Amazon launches free online classes to learn video game development


The world of video games has evolved from being merely a pastime to becoming a multi-billion-dollar industry that influences global culture and the way we interact with technology.

Many of us have experienced the excitement and immersion that a well-designed video game can offer.

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This passion has led to a growing desire among many gaming enthusiasts not only to play them but also to create their own digital masterpieces.

Amazon has launched the online course “2D Game Development with libGDX.” This course promises to be an opportunity for all those who have dreamed of creating their own games, regardless of their level of prior experience in game development or programming.

LibGDX, a robust Java-based game development framework with cross-platform capabilities, will be the tool through which aspiring developers bring their ideas to life.


The course will span approximately 8 weeks, during which participants will be guided through the essential fundamentals of 2D game development.

From building visual elements and animations to implementing physics and user interaction, every crucial aspect will be explored in detail.

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Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of Java, including handling collections and concepts like interfaces and abstract classes. Additionally, while not mandatory, some familiarity with tools like Git and Android Studio can be beneficial for making the most out of the course content.

If the desire to create your own games has been dormant in your mind, now is the time to make it a reality.

Don’t hesitate any longer and join this exciting Amazon initiative to take your ideas from imagination to digital reality.


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