Do You Want to Become an English Teacher? Access the Free TESOL Certification Course


English is a global language that opens doors to a plethora of opportunities. For those who have mastered the language, they can even become teachers of it.

For those interested in pursuing this path, there is the TESOL certification (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages).

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The TESOL certification is a badge of competence in the knowledge and teaching of English to non-native speakers in foreign environments. Unlike TOEFL, it aims to certify teachers, not students.

It is a certification that has become internationally recognized as a standard in English pedagogy, especially in Anglo-Saxon countries.

You must imagine that having this certification comes with many benefits, but here I can list the most recognized ones:

  • Improved Employability
  • Professional Credibility
  • Abundant Job Opportunities

If you want to be a recognized teacher and gain access to great job opportunities, you must have the TESOL certification.

TESOL Certification Course for English

Now, for those looking to start a career in teaching the English language or improve their existing skills, the TESOL Canada Foundation offers a free TESOL certification course for English.


This comprehensive program covers a wide range of essential topics, including:

  • Grammar Structure: Mastery of English grammar basics.
  • Conversation Activities: Techniques to encourage oral communication.
  • Pedagogical Skills: Effective teaching strategies.
  • Classroom Management: Control and organization of the learning environment.
  • Educational Psychology: Understanding students’ needs.
  • Updated Classroom Technology: Integrating digital tools into teaching.
  • Online Education: Exploring opportunities in the digital world.
  • Use of Social Media for English Teaching: Leveraging social media as an educational resource.

The course, designed and conducted by Siavash Valizadeh, director and teacher at the TESOL Foundation, is 100% online, allowing you to learn at your own pace over a total of 6 hours of content.

For best results, it is recommended to complete all assignments, participate in group discussions, and pass the final exam.

Who is This Course For?

This TESOL certification course for English is designed for:

  • Aspiring teachers and educators who want to teach English.
  • Individuals looking to change careers and venture into English teaching.
  • Established teachers seeking to update their pedagogical skills.

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Requirements for joining this course include having a bachelor’s degree or high school diploma for older students. Non-native English speakers must demonstrate fluency through language proficiency exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, or TELPE.

Additionally, you will need a computer with a stable internet connection to access all the content, as the course is entirely offered online.

Registration and participation are completely free. However, if you wish to receive an official certificate, there is a fee set by the platform.


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