Free Android Courses to learn this Weekend


The development of mobile applications for Android has become a fundamental element in the current digital landscape.

Android, the leading operating system for mobile devices worldwide, drives the industry with its extensive user base and an impressive offering of millions of applications.

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If you’ve ever wondered about the possibilities offered by this operating system, this news article will provide you with an overview of its importance and how to take your first steps in Android app development.

Free Courses to Begin Your Adventure in Android Development

In the context of a weekend that often inspires people to learn something new or enhance their existing skills, we present a selection of free online courses that will allow you to take your initial steps in Android app development.

These courses are designed to teach you the fundamentals and skills necessary to create high-quality applications:


Android: Introduction to Programming

Offered by the Polytechnic University of Valencia on edX, this course will teach you how to program in Java and create applications using Android Studio. You will also develop a sample application called “My Favorite Places.”

Android: Fundamentals for Creating Your First Quality Apps

Taught by Alain Nicolás Tello on Udemy, this free course focuses on the fundamentals of Java and Android, enabling you to create high-quality applications and use tools like SQLite, DBFlow, Glide, and Butterknife.

Learn to Develop Android Applications with Kotlin from Scratch

Offered by Devexperto, this course will provide you with the necessary skills to program with Android Studio 4.0 from scratch and design your own applications.

Cursos relacionados

If you wish to venture into the exciting world of Android app development, this selection of courses serves as an ideal starting point.

Make the most of this weekend to embark on your journey into mobile app development and unlock a world of opportunities in the digital era.


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