Being prepared for the job search entails having a solid plan, focusing on applications, keeping an updated resume, highlighting skills, effectively handling interviews, and adapting to the changing demands of the job market.
These aspects not only increase organization and efficiency in the job search but also boost the candidate’s confidence.
In addition to the direct benefits in the job search, this preparation provides an opportunity to reflect on personal goals and areas of improvement.

The Carlos Slim Foundation offers a comprehensive solution to this need with its “Capacítate para el Empleo” platform.
On this platform, over 200 courses and training programs are available for free. The courses are flexible, allowing interested individuals to complete them at their own pace, without time restrictions.
Upon completion of a training, a certificate is awarded, validating the acquired learning, which can be a key point when applying to employers.
Furthermore, there is an opportunity to access a job board where job opportunities matching the acquired skills can be found.
Cursos relacionados
The variety of courses available on the platform is notable, covering a wide range of trades and training areas. Some of the offered courses include:
- Database Administrator
- Restaurant Cashier
- Solar Panel Installation
- Electrician
- Executive Reports
- Basic Computing
- CV Structure
- Meeting Management
- Job Interview Guide
- Leadership
The opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge is a significant step toward a more promising future in the job market.