Continuous learning, that constant quest for new knowledge and skills, not only enriches our lives but also enables us to adapt to an ever-changing world.
It contributes to improving our mental health, boosting our confidence, and strengthening our connections with other human beings.
Do you want to start the week by learning? If so, today I share with you some free courses that UNAM offers.
Free Courses from UNAM
UNAM, one of the most prestigious academic institutions in Latin America, has opened its catalog of online courses.

The beauty of this initiative lies in its accessibility; you don’t need to be a UNAM student or reside in Mexico to enroll in these courses. All you need is an internet connection and the desire to learn.
The available courses are as follows:
Statistics and Probability
In this course, you will learn the basics of descriptive statistics, the analysis of bivariate data, and probability.
These topics are fundamental to understanding and applying mathematics in various fields of knowledge and professional practice.
Basic Algebra
In this course, you will learn how to handle algebraic expressions, solve first and second-degree equations, and prepare yourself to study more advanced areas such as Analytical Geometry, Statistics, and Calculus.
Algebraic and Transcendental Functions
In this course, you will learn to identify, represent, and operate with algebraic and transcendental functions, which are essential tools for modeling natural and social phenomena.
Cursos relacionados
Steps to register for UNAM courses:
- Step 1: Access the course of your choice through the buttons and click “Enroll for free.”
- Step 2: Log in to the platform or complete the registration form with your personal information, such as names, surnames, email, and selection of academic interests.
- Step 3: In some cases, you will be presented with the option to enroll with or without certification, depending on your preferences.
These courses not only provide an opportunity for learning and personal development but also testify to UNAM’s commitment to education.
Don’t miss this opportunity for personal and professional growth!