Artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly transformed various areas of our society, from task automation to autonomous driving and assisted medical diagnosis.
It is a fascinating discipline that offers countless opportunities for those interested in acquiring skills in this constantly growing field.
Harvard University has developed a free seven-week online course that explores artificial intelligence with Python, the leading programming language in the field of AI.

This Harvard course on artificial intelligence with Python is aimed at students and professionals in computer science and programming who wish to deepen their knowledge in modern AI and machine learning.
During the program, participants will have the opportunity to learn the fundamental concepts and algorithms underlying current artificial intelligence technologies.
Taught by professors David J. Malan and Brian Yu, renowned experts in the field, the course focuses on providing a hands-on experience to students.
To make the most of this course, a strong foundation in Python programming and access to a computer with a stable internet connection are required.
Although the course is taught in English, English subtitles are provided to aid understanding. It is recommended to have an intermediate level of English to grasp the concepts clearly.
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The course has a flexible duration, allowing participants to study at their own pace and dedicate between 10 and 30 hours per week.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are highly sought-after skills in today’s world.
This free Harvard course offers an excellent opportunity to develop these skills and acquire solid knowledge in the field of AI.
To access the course and learn more, click the button below:
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!