IBM offers free course to learn SQL and Databases


SQL, known as “Structured Query Language,” plays a crucial role in organizing and manipulating data stored in relational databases.

Relational databases store information in the form of tables with rows and columns, allowing for organized structure and relationships between different sets of data. For example, a sales database might include tables for customers, products, and orders, each with their unique attributes and defined relationships.

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SQL enables various operations on databases, such as insertion, updating, deletion, searching, and data retrieval.

One of the key advantages of SQL is its ability to integrate with various programming languages. This allows developers to incorporate SQL queries into their applications, creating efficient data processing solutions connected to leading database systems like Oracle or MS SQL Server.

IBM SQL Course

IBM, one of the leading companies in the technology field, offers a free online course designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to SQL and relational databases.

This course is ideal for those looking to start a career in fields such as data engineering, data analysis, or data science.


One notable advantage of this course is that no prior knowledge of databases, SQL, or programming is required. While having a basic understanding of data-related concepts can be beneficial, the course is structured to be accessible to all experience levels.

IBM course is available on the edX platform, an online education provider. edX offers a wide range of online courses, known as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), created by top universities and institutions worldwide.

edX courses include video lectures, readings, student discussion forums, assignments, and online quizzes.

Cursos relacionados

If you’re interested in acquiring SQL and database skills, this free IBM course on edX is an opportunity you shouldn’t miss.

You can choose the paid version, which includes verified certificates and graded assessments, or opt for the free audit option to access essential content at no cost.

There’s no deadline, but the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge is within your reach. Don’t let it pass you by!


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