IBM presents a FREE web development course with Django


In the field of web development, Django has gained significant popularity. Conceived as an open-source framework powered by the Python programming language, Django has garnered substantial recognition from the developer community since its debut in 2005.

Its contribution lies in the agility it brings to web application development, with a clean and pragmatic design that enhances creativity and efficiency.

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By handling underlying complexities, it enables developers to focus on realizing their ideas without sacrificing quality or security.

Its high-level approach and structure follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, ideal for creating complex and highly functional web applications.

Django Application Development Course with SQL and Databases

IBM has launched an online course that promises to be a guiding light for web development enthusiasts.

The Django Application Development Course with SQL and Databases is a unique opportunity to explore the foundations of this technology and delve into web development.


The course will guide you through the fundamental concepts of SQL, Django, and Bootstrap. Starting with an immersion in SQL, you will learn to skillfully access, process, and present data. Cloud database management will become an essential skill in your toolkit.

As you progress, you will immerse yourself in Django, uncovering how models, views, and templates integrate to forge immersive and effective web experiences.

Furthermore, the course delves into Bootstrap, an open-source front-end framework that has made an indelible mark on modern web development.

The culmination of this educational experience will be an exciting final project: the development and implementation of a complete web application using Django in the cloud. This hands-on stage will allow you to apply what you’ve learned and solidify your skills in a tangible way, preparing you to tackle challenges in the real world.

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If you’re ready to venture into the world of Django and master its potential, enroll in the Django Application Development Course with SQL and Databases.


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