Learn 250 English Verbs for Work and Everyday Life with this Free Course


The mastery of English is not only advantageous in the professional sphere but also enriches everyday life.

In the professional world, English has become an essential requirement to access a wide range of job positions. Fluency in this language can make the difference between standing out and fading into the background among candidates.

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Moreover, it opens doors to job opportunities both domestically and internationally, enabling you to interact with people and businesses from around the world.

In everyday life, English simplifies communication during international travel, as it is the predominant language in tourism and business. Furthermore, it allows you to enjoy a broader range of cultural and entertainment offerings, as you can access movies, series, books, and music in their original language.

250 English Verbs for Work and Everyday Life

If you are willing to take a step forward in mastering English, the “250 English Verbs for Work and Everyday Life” course is an exceptional option.


Designed by instructor Francisco Ajeeth, this course is specially crafted to help you enhance your language skills and unlock a world of possibilities in both your professional and personal life.

This course provides:

  • Over 250 idiomatic expressions and compound verbs.
  • 25 different themes covering real-life situations.
  • Detailed explanations of usage and meaning.
  • Connotations and real-world word usage.
  • Preparation for exams such as GRE, SAT, or CAT.

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Whether you want to navigate social and professional situations with ease or prepare for standardized exams that require an extensive vocabulary, this course is tailored to your needs.

It is designed for beginners and intermediate English learners.

Don’t wait any longer to seize this unique opportunity!


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