COBOL was created in 1959 by the Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL) with the purpose of facilitating communication between programmers and end-users of applications.
Its simple and structured syntax, which is close to natural language, made it a powerful tool widely adopted in the business world.
During the turn of the millennium (Y2K), its importance became even more evident as many companies chose to update their COBOL programs instead of migrating to new languages due to the complexity of their systems.
The demand for professionals skilled in COBOL remains high in the job market, as numerous companies rely on applications developed in this language.

Learning COBOL can open up job opportunities and enable the development of robust, secure, and efficient applications that handle large volumes of data and complex processes. Furthermore, its ability to integrate with other languages and technologies such as Java, C#, SQL, or XML makes it even more valuable.
If you are interested in learning COBOL from scratch, there is excellent news for you. There is a completely free online course that provides you with the opportunity to master this language from basic concepts to more advanced levels.
Free COBOL Course
The course consists of a series of instructional videos covering a wide range of topics, from how to install an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to more complex concepts such as Divisions I, II, III, and IV, syntax words, data types, constant variables, IF ELSE conditionals, and routines with PERFORM and GO TO.
You will also learn about repetitive routines and calculations, as well as the handling of logical and physical files.
The best part of this course is that you can access it online, at any time that fits your schedule.
The lessons are hosted on the YouTube platform, allowing you to learn at your own pace and in the comfort of your home.

The knowledge of COBOL continues to be highly valued in the job market. If you are looking to expand your technical skills and increase your chances of success in the field of programming, this free course is the perfect option for you.
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Do not miss this opportunity to learn COBOL from scratch, understand the functioning of computer systems and databases, and strengthen your professional profile.