The influence of React in the technological landscape is undeniable. Its connection with Facebook supports its broad compatibility with major browsers.
However, versatility is not limited to compatibility, as its modular structure facilitates the management and updating of projects, surpassing many other JavaScript libraries.
Companies are seeking talents capable of turning concepts into interactive and appealing realities. The average salary of a React developer in Mexico, around $86,190 per month, highlights the value attributed to these skills.

Learn React with FreeCodeCamp
The online learning platform, FreeCodeCamp, offers you a free 12-hour course that promises to take your skills to the next level.
Led by the experienced Bob Ziroll, Head of Education at Scrimba, the course takes pride not only in its comprehensiveness but also in its practical and friendly approach to teaching React.
The program is designed with the diversity of its students in mind, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional. Through eight real projects and over 140 coding challenges, you will acquire practical and in-depth knowledge about React.
Cursos relacionados
From the initial setup to handling forms, API calls, and local storage, the course covers all the essentials and gives you the confidence to apply these skills in your own projects.
Accessing the course is an easy task. Simply head to the available class on YouTube and get ready to learn.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost your development capabilities and take your digital creations to new heights with the FreeCodeCamp’s 12-hour Free React Course.