LinkedIn has introduced a Data Science course, and here’s how you can get it for FREE


Data science, an interdisciplinary field that amalgamates machine learning, advanced statistics, and programming, has become an essential skill in the modern era.

The ability to extract profound insights and make the most of the vast ocean of available data is undoubtedly an art that defines the current business landscape.

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According to the Harvard Business Review (HBR), data science has been dubbed as the “sexiest profession” of the 21st century.

Data scientists are highly sought after in various sectors, from healthcare to finance and the arts.

The potential for learning in data science can propel your career to new heights. In Mexico, the average annual salary for a data scientist varies according to sources, ranging between $29,000 and $36,000 MXN per month.

In the United States, the average annual salary is around $152,262 USD. However, it’s crucial to remember that these numbers can be influenced by various factors, such as location, industry, and experience.


LinkedIn, the giant of the professional network, has recognized the growing need for skills in this field and has presented a valuable resource for those aspiring to become masters of data science.

This course, taught by the respected instructor Doug Rose, is an invaluable opportunity to gain a comprehensive introduction to data science.

Throughout 1 hour and 17 minutes of video content, the course explores essential fundamentals and provides the necessary skills to make the most of the available data in your organization.

Participants will explore key concepts, tools, and techniques used in this field, from data collection and categorization to statistical analysis for valuable insights.

Don’t miss the opportunity to acquire essential skills in the exciting world of data science.

Enroll now and unlock your potential in data science! You can directly access the course using the provided link.


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