In the digital age we live in, the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest technologies is undeniable.
Being able to adapt and acquire new knowledge in the technological field is essential in a constantly evolving world.
Learning new technologies and skills can translate into better job opportunities, salary increases, and greater recognition of one’s abilities.
In this highly competitive job market, that extra knowledge can make the difference.
That’s why Samsung, the South Korean electronics company, has taken the initiative to provide free learning opportunities to educate the general public in new technologies.

Free Certification Courses by Samsung
Samsung has developed Code IoT, a free online learning platform that covers essential concepts of the Internet of Things (IoT), programming, and electronics.
These courses are available to anyone interested in the subject.
The courses available on Code IoT include:
- Introduction to the Internet of Things: Explore the fundamentals of IoT and how it works.
- Learning to Program: Take your first steps in programming using Scratch, developing interactive projects, and gaining key knowledge.
- Electronics: Concepts and Basic Components: Understand how electrical circuits work and learn to create your own with common components.
- Mobile Applications: Discover the principles behind mobile applications and develop your own using AppInventor.
- Physical Programming with Arduino: Create projects that combine programming and electronics using Arduino boards, sensors, and actuators.
All these courses are flexible and can be completed at your own pace. Additionally, they offer certificates to those who achieve at least a 60% final score.
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How can I enroll in the courses?
Accessing these courses is straightforward; you just need to register on Samsung’s Code IoT platform with an email address.

By creating an account, you will have access to the full list of courses that make up Samsung’s initiative. You can choose the one that best suits your needs, and upon successful completion, you can receive a certificate of completion.
For more information and to register on Samsung’s Code IoT platform, please follow this link: