The UN launches free certification courses: How to register?


Climate change has become one of the most critical challenges of our time, and its global relevance continues to grow.

In response to this issue, the United Nations (UN) has taken a significant step by launching over 20 free online courses, including certification, focused on climate change.

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These courses, backed by the UN and over 30 allied organizations, aim to educate and mobilize individuals and organizations in the fight against climate change.

The courses are designed for anyone with internet access and are available in various languages, including Spanish.

They are entirely free, and upon completing each course, participants will receive an official certificate validating their participation. This certification can have a significant impact on the professional and personal development of those who obtain it.

Course materials are downloadable, making learning and review easier.


The list of courses offered covers a wide range of topics related to climate change, from basic introductions to advanced levels.

You can see the list of courses below:

  1. Introduction to Climate Change
  2. Introduction to Green Economy
  3. Children and Climate Change
  4. Cities and Climate Change
  5. Gender and the Environment
  6. Human Health and Climate Change
  7. Finding Money – Financing for Climate Action
  8. Integrating Climate Adaptation into Water Resources
  9. Making the Right Choices: Prioritizing Adaptation Options
  10. Basics of REDD+ Program
  11. Advanced REDD+
  12. Climate Change: From Learning to Action
  13. Integrating Climate Risk Information into NAPs (National Adaptation Plans)
  14. Sustainable Diet
  15. Introduction to Sustainable Finance
  16. Sustainable Consumption and Production in Africa
  17. Climate Change International Legal Regime
  18. International Aviation: Action Plans to Reduce CO2
  19. Climate Information and Services
  20. Public Finance and Climate Policy

Cursos relacionados

The UN continues to play a crucial role in promoting international cooperation and environmental protection.

This initiative of offering free online courses on climate change is an important step toward a more sustainable world that is aware of climate change.

For more information about these United Nations certification courses, you can use the following button:


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