The UNAM Offers Free Accounting Course for Entrepreneurs and Non-Accountants


Accounting is a fundamental pillar for making informed decisions and ensuring the sustainable success of any company or organization.

Understanding accounting principles and gaining knowledge in this field becomes an invaluable asset for entrepreneurs and those interested in the economic domain.

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That’s why the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) has launched an exciting free accounting course specifically designed for non-accountants, offering the opportunity to learn in an easy and accessible way.

Taught by the distinguished professor Manuel Jesús Cárdenas Espinosa, this course has received high ratings from over 8,175 satisfied students, with an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.

The course program consists of 9 modules strategically distributed to cover all essential aspects of accounting.


It starts with an introduction to accounting, followed by an explanation of fundamental principles, and concludes with a detailed understanding of valuation, presentation, and disclosure rules.

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Upon completion of the UNAM accounting course, students will acquire skills and knowledge that will be highly valuable both personally and professionally.

They will be able to make informed and strategic decisions in critical areas such as resource allocation, pricing, the introduction of new products, and business growth planning.

Don’t miss the opportunity to access this valuable educational resource. Enroll today and prepare to boost your professional future!


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