This course promises to teach you programming in just 2 hours: It’s FREE


Programming, considered as the art of creating computer programs using a programming language, has become an essential skill.

Learning to program not only expands job opportunities but also develops logical and analytical thinking, optimizes the use of time and resources, and fosters an entrepreneurial spirit.

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However, for many beginners, taking the first step can be overwhelming due to the vast amount of resources available online and the difficulty of choosing an appropriate starting point.

For those looking to venture into the exciting world of programming, choosing the right language is a crucial point. Python, Java, C#, and JavaScript are some of the most popular options, and the choice will largely depend on personal goals and preferences.

Once the language is selected, having quality resources to learn the basics is essential.

Do you want to learn how to program for free? If so, keep reading.

The freeCodeCamp platform offers a solution for anyone interested in learning to program: a free two-hour course that provides a solid introduction to programming.


This course, available in English with subtitles, is an excellent starting point for beginners who want to explore the world of programming and computer science.

The course is hosted on YouTube, which means you can access it from any device and at any time, without the need to register on additional platforms.

Through this course, you can grasp concepts applicable to all programming languages, thus laying a solid foundation for future developments.

From explaining what programming is to how to write code, understanding computer capabilities, working with variables, addressing error correction, and, crucially, choosing the most suitable programming language for each individual, this resource covers a wide range of topics.

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Courses like this provide the opportunity to take the first steps in the vast and exciting world of programming.

You can access the course using the following button:


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