UN Launches a Free Finance Course with Official Certification


Finances, that global network driving economies and shaping our lives, are evolving towards a more conscious and sustainable direction.

In a world where the urgency of climate change and social equality is more palpable than ever, an emerging trend is uniting financial forces with the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants: sustainable finance.

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Sustainable finance is a paradigm that transcends short-term profits and delves into the realm of ethical investments and environmental preservation.

It’s an approach that recognizes the interdependence of economic, social, and environmental spheres, seeking to align financial decisions with a more equitable and green future.

The United Nations (UN) has taken a step by offering a completely free and certified online course on sustainable finance, opening doors to responsible and conscious financial education.

Sustainable Finance Course

This new online course, launched by the UN through its educational platform, UN CC:e-Learn Courses, aims to equip individuals, professionals, and finance enthusiasts with essential tools to understand, apply, and promote sustainable finance in their economic decisions.


The course structure covers four meticulously designed interactive modules to guide participants through different facets of sustainable finance:

  1. Sustainable Finance in Context
  2. Fundamentals of Sustainable Finance
  3. Regulation and Self-regulation in Sustainable Finance
  4. Sustainable Financial Products

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Completing this educational course from the UN offers more than knowledge. Participants who achieve a minimum of 70% accuracy in the assessment quizzes for each module will receive an official certificate issued by the UN, endorsed by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

This recognition is a tangible testimony of your understanding and commitment to sustainable finance.

Don’t miss this opportunity to empower yourself and become an agent of change in transforming global finances towards a better world.

Enroll today and get ready for an educational journey towards a more conscious financial future!


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