University of Madrid Offers Online Cybersecurity Course


Cybersecurity has become a matter of crucial importance in our current society, where information and technology are fundamental components of our lives.

It is for this reason that the University Carlos III of Madrid, in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), has launched a practical cybersecurity course aimed at equipping students, professionals, and computer enthusiasts with the necessary tools to address the growing online threats.

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This course is designed for students, teachers, professionals, and anyone interested in the world of computer science and cybersecurity.

While prior technical knowledge is required, such as the use of Virtual Machines and operating systems like Ubuntu, MacOS, and Windows, as well as basic knowledge of programming languages and computer networks, this opportunity is accessible to anyone who meets these requirements.

Furthermore, a stable internet connection and a computer are essential to access the online content.

Course Introduction

Taught by renowned experts in the field, such as Lorena González Manzano, José María de Fuentes, Juan E. Tapiador, Pedro Peris-López, and Arturo Ribagorda Garnacho, the course will run for 6 weeks.


Participants are expected to dedicate between 5 and 7 hours of weekly work to successfully complete it.

Topics to be covered during the course include:

  • Fundamental concepts of cyber threats, such as cybercrime and cyber warfare.
  • Techniques and tools of computer forensics.
  • Processes and instruments of reverse engineering.
  • Network management for cyber defense.
  • Types and characteristics of malware and advanced persistent threats (APT).
  • Vulnerability management and penetration testing.

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How to Access the Course?

Access to this valuable cybersecurity course, offered by the Inter-American Development Bank and the University Carlos III of Madrid, is entirely free.

To enroll and obtain more information, you must access the edX platform where the course is hosted by the University Carlos III of Madrid and the Inter-American Development Bank.

Training in cybersecurity is essential in an increasingly digitized world, and this initiative aims to equip students with the necessary skills to protect computer systems in an ever-evolving environment.


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