University of the Andes Offers 6 Free Online Courses for Learning from Home


Currently, learning something new has never been so accessible. Online education has changed the way we acquire knowledge, allowing us to enhance our skills and altering how we perceive our surroundings.

This modality not only boosts our professional competencies but also provides us with the opportunity to explore our interests and passions deeply and meaningfully.

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Moreover, there is a plethora of companies and universities worldwide that have opened their doors to allow anyone to access their educational resources.

And it’s one of these universities that has recently released a wealth of free online courses, which you can take advantage of to broaden your knowledge.

Free Courses from the University of Los Andes

The University of Los Andes is a renowned institution that has adapted its academic excellence to the digital environment.

Based in Bogotá, Colombia, this prestigious university offers a variety of high-quality online courses, free of charge, spanning various fields of knowledge.

Below, we present a selection of six must-see courses:

Business Intelligence

Duration: 2 hours

Instructors: María del Pilar Villamil, Juan Manuel Sarmiento, Fabio Corzo

This course will immerse you in the world of business intelligence, exploring the discovery of unstructured information and data. You will learn from international experts in the field.

Video Games, Technology, Design, and Culture

Duration: 2 hours

Instructors: Italo Felipe Capasso Ballesteros, César Reyes

Discover how to develop video games in a culturally appropriate context for your target audience. Learn from industry professionals.

Economists and Global Training

Duration: 2 hours


Instructors: Hugo Ñopo, Eduardo Lora, Alan Gelb

Explore the training of economists in the global context and its impact on Latin America. Learn about the implications of natural resources on a country’s development.

Cursos relacionados

Integration in Game Development

Duration: 2 hours

Instructors: Alejandro González, Carl Callewaert, Leonardo Lamprea, Pablo Figueroa

Immerse yourself in the world of animation and video game industry. Experts will guide you through the perspectives and challenges of game development.

Digital Animation, Intellectual Property, and Internationalization

Duration: 1 hour

Instructors: Felipe Morell, Leonardo Lamprea, Hernán Zajec, Pablo Figueroa

Explore digital animation, intellectual property, and its internationalization. Learn about the experiences of renowned speakers in this field.

Companies and Cloud Computing

Duration: 3 hours

Instructors: Abhay Jain, Ash Dhar, Hans van Rietschote, Constanza Nieto

Learn strategies and tactics to implement cloud computing solutions in corporations. Entrepreneurs and experts will provide insights into cloud entrepreneurship.

These free courses offered by the University of Los Andes are a unique opportunity to enrich your knowledge and develop yourself in various areas.

Don’t miss this chance to learn from international experts and expand your academic horizons. Enroll in the courses that interest you most and enhance your professional and personal growth.


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