ESET Launches Free Cybersecurity Courses for Everyone


In an increasingly digitized world, cybersecurity has become a fundamental concern to protect our information and computer systems from cybercriminals.

ESET is recognized in the field of cybersecurity for providing innovative and effective solutions that safeguard users and organizations from the growing cyber threats.

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Cybersecurity encompasses a set of measures, techniques, and practices aimed at ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information and computer systems.

In the face of data theft, fraud, espionage, sabotage, and other forms of cybercrime, cybersecurity becomes essential to safeguard our digital assets.

The growing use of information and communication technologies has led to a significant increase in global investment in cybersecurity solutions, reaching $133.7 billion in 2022.


In response to the need for awareness and knowledge in cybersecurity, ESET has launched the ESET ACADEMY, an e-learning platform offering courses and training designed for diverse audiences and specialties.

Notably, these courses are completely free and accessible to anyone interested, regardless of their previous background in the field.

Within the ESET ACADEMY, there are three free courses taught by experts from the ESET Research Laboratory, who are constantly updated on the latest developments, trends, and analyses of cyber threats.

  • Security for SMEs Course: This course focuses on teaching how to implement appropriate security policies for each business. With an estimated reading time of 150 minutes and 20 minutes of complementary videos, participants will acquire essential knowledge to protect digital assets of small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Incident Management and Response: This course is aimed at those interested in learning how to act to achieve a successful recovery from any security incident and reduce response times. The course has an estimated reading time of 1 hour and 10 minutes of videos.
  • Security for Parents Course: In this course, parents will obtain tools to protect their children while they navigate the internet. With an estimated reading time of 90 minutes and 15 minutes of videos, participants will learn how to keep the little ones safe in the digital world.

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Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, and thanks to the ESET ACADEMY, we all have the opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge to protect ourselves in the digital world.

Access the ESET ACADEMY and strengthen your digital security today!


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